Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Rocketry January 20 lesson plans


Students investigate Newton’s third law of motion by designing and constructing rocket-powered racing cars.
In class- design and race cars.  We will add the following extensions to this, and the students will journal the questions.
• Hold Rocket Racer drag races. Lay out a 3-meter-long course. The fastest car is the one that crosses the finish line first. Calculate racer average speed by timing start to finish with a stopwatch (e.g., four seconds to go three meters = 0.75 m/second or 2.7 km/h).
• Have students try multiple balloons for additional thrust. How will students design cars that are balanced with the extra load?
• Have students control the thrust of their balloons by inflating them to the same diameter each time. How can students ensure that the balloon is always the same?
• Using the same materials, what other devices can be created that demonstrate the action-reaction principle
• Would it be a good idea for automobiles to be powered by rocket engines?
How are the wheels on a rocket racer similar to and different from wheels on a regular automobile?

Tuesday- Friday:
Making a Video on Space or Creating an Internet Website on a Space Topic
Goal: To plan, design and produce (if equipment is available) a video or website on one of the science, technology or engineering topics listed under “Procedure”.
Key Concepts: Understanding some aspects of the science, technology and/or engineering involved in the construction
of the ISS and the science research that is conducted on the ISS; learning about ISS-related space careers; and video or website planning, design and production.
Subjects: Biology, chemistry, physics, Earth sciences, astronomy, technology, engineering, computer skills, careers, language arts (writing script for video or text for website).
Materials: video camera and editing equipment, or a computer for the website design.
Procedure: Planning a video or designing a website on an ISS-related topic requires students to become more deeply involved in understanding an aspect of the Space Station. Students work in teams of three or four to plan a video project or design a website on one of the space-related topics below. Links to websites
with images, drawings and resources are provided in the Resources Section, and at the Space Station Gallery website at: http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/images/station.

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