Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Chapter 11 Section 2-3 notes

Chapter 11 Section 2-3 notes
I.                    What are the types of media?   
a.       Print (newpapers, magazines, newletters, and books)
b.      Electronic (radio, tv, and internet)
II.                  What is the role of the media?
a.       They help define the public agenda.  (what most american’s think is important)
b.      They report on candidates (called coverage).
c.       They are the watchdog over government officials and activities.
                                                               i.      Sometimes they get the information through a leak. (information passed secretly to reporters)
d.      They can report on national security and military issues.  (there is a real issue between whether this is a good thing or not.)
III.                What are some safeguards of media?
a.       First amendment allows freedom of the press.  This means that the government cannot censor the material before it is published. 
b.      Limits: 
                                                               i.      No libel- cannot write something about someone that is unree and will harm their reputation.
                                                             ii.      Malice- cannot publish something for evil intent.
                                                            iii.      31 states have laws to protect reporters from revealing their sources, but in most cases reporters are NOT free from presenting evidence.
IV.                Who regulates the media?
a.       FCC- Federal Communications Commission
b.      They set rules and can impose fines for breaking those rules. 
V.                  What is an interest group?
a.       People who get together to promote an idea.  (NRA-freedom to own guns)
b.      Economic interest groups-groups that try to influence government decisions to help their industry’s.  (U.S. chamber of commerce is the largest)
c.       Public interest groups try to promote only the interest of their members, but benefit society as a whole.  Ex:  League of women voters. 
VI.                How do interest groups influence government?
a.       Elections
b.      Courts
c.       Getting laws declared unconstitutional
d.      Use propaganda  (mail, advertisements, public event sponsors)
VII.              Lobbying
a.       Must know how government work
b.      Must be good at working contacts and making relationships
c.       Are able to draft their own bills to give to lawmakers
d.      Watch over enforcement of laws
VIII.            Regulating interest groups
a.   US has many laws to regulate how interest groups work, and impose strict fines and jail time to enforce these rules. 

interest group
public opinion poll
mass media
political action committee
public opinion

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