Monday, September 8, 2014

Chemistry Plan for the week of September 8th

·         Day 19-9/8/2014
·         Periods: 4-5
o    State Course of study objective:  1.) Differentiate among pure substances, mixtures, elements, and compounds.  •  Distinguishing between intensive and extensive properties of matter •  Contrasting properties of metals, nonmetals, and metalloids •  Distinguishing between homogeneous and heterogeneous forms of matter
    • Class Starter: Get your lab from Friday out, and head to lab.
o    In-Class: (advanced)Go to lab.  Compare hypothesis from lab to results from lab.  Write a conclusion and analysis about the lab.  Take a pop quiz on scientific notation.  Have students work SAT work on page 66-67 of the book.  (regular)Go to lab.  Compare hypothesis from lab to results from lab.  Write a conclusion and analysis about the lab.  Go over pop quiz on scientific notation.  Have students work SAT work on page 66-67 of the book. 
o    Homework: Define chapter 3 vocabulary on page 93….due Thursday
·         Day 20-9/9/2014-
o    Periods: 4-5
o    State Course of study objective1.) Differentiate among pure substances, mixtures, elements, and compounds.  •  Distinguishing between intensive and extensive properties of matter •  Contrasting properties of metals, nonmetals, and metalloids •  Distinguishing between homogeneous and heterogeneous forms of matter
o    Class Starter: (Regular) List 3 pieces of lab equipment I could use to measure volume. (Advanced)  Work the significant figures worksheet provided.
o    In-Class: (advanced)  Review significant figures. Discuss states and properties of matter.   (regular) Work percent error problems.  Learn the rules to significant figures.  Begin working with them in math problems.
o    Homework: Define chapter 3 vocabulary on page 93….due Thursday

·         Day 21-9/10/2014
o    Periods: 4-5
o    State Course of study objective:  1.) Differentiate among pure substances, mixtures, elements, and compounds.  •  Distinguishing between intensive and extensive properties of matter •  Contrasting properties of metals, nonmetals, and metalloids •  Distinguishing between homogeneous and heterogeneous forms of matter
    • Class Starter: (regular) Work the significant figures worksheet provided.  (advanced) List some properties of matter and tell which are intensive and extensive.
    • In-Class: (Advanced) watch properties of matter video (united streaming 17 minutes) Discuss chemical vs physical changes.  (regular) work on significant figures and percent error.  Begin discussing states and properties of matter.
    • Homework: Define chapter 3 vocabulary on page 93….due Thursday
Day 22-9/11/2014
o    Periods: 4-5
o    State Course of study objective: 1.) Differentiate among pure substances, mixtures, elements, and compounds.  •  Distinguishing between intensive and extensive properties of matter •  Contrasting properties of metals, nonmetals, and metalloids •  Distinguishing between homogeneous and heterogeneous forms of matter.
o    Class Starter: Tell the difference between physical and chemical properties of matter.
o    In-Class:  (advanced)  Discuss the differences between physical and chemical changes, and how to recognize them. (regular) watch properties of matter video (united streaming 17 minutes) Discuss chemical vs physical changes. 
o    Homework: Study notes.

Day 23-9/12/2014
o    Periods: 4-5
o    State Course of study objective: 1.) Differentiate among pure substances, mixtures, elements, and compounds.  •  Distinguishing between intensive and extensive properties of matter •  Contrasting properties of metals, nonmetals, and metalloids •  Distinguishing between homogeneous and heterogeneous forms of matter.
o    Class Starter: List the states of matter and give 2 examples of each. 
o    In-Class:  (advanced and regular) discuss mixtures and solutions. Discuss prelab for Monday’s lab.  
o    Homework: Study notes.

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