Monday, September 29, 2014

Friday, September 26, 2014

Lesson plans for September 29 until November 7th for Robotics

Period- 6
Concepts Addressed and DAILY lessons:

We will have received our materials from the BEST robotics competition kick off rally and will be working daily on designs and building.  We have 40 days to work and build a robot that can transport materials over damaged roadway, open a bridge gate, push a button to gain entry to the playing field, and build a windmill.  The robot will have to be built, programmed, and practiced within 40 days, and the robot has 3 minutes to achieve all these goals.  Needless to say…..these goals will be our daily goal until November 8th, which is game day!!!!


Study for Periodic Table test 
1-36 Regular, 
1-54 Advanced- quiz 
Oct. 6
Must know symbol, placement of symbol, and element name spelled correctly!!!!!

Lesson plans for chemistry 9-29- 10-3

·         Day 35-9/29/2014
·         Periods: 4-5
o    State Course of study objective:  1.) Differentiate among pure substances, mixtures, elements, and compounds.  •  Distinguishing between intensive and extensive properties of matter •  Contrasting properties of metals, nonmetals, and metalloids •  Distinguishing between homogeneous and heterogeneous forms of matter
    • Class Starter: How would you separate salt, water, and sand?
o    In-Class:.  Review separation techniques and law of definite and multiple proportions.
o    Homework: study notes for quiz Friday.
·         Day 36-9/30/2014-
o    Periods: 4-5
o    State Course of study objective1.) Differentiate among pure substances, mixtures, elements, and compounds.  •  Distinguishing between intensive and extensive properties of matter •  Contrasting properties of metals, nonmetals, and metalloids •  Distinguishing between homogeneous and heterogeneous forms of matter
o    Class Starter: Go to lab.
o    In-Class: Seperation of mixtures lab and chromatography lab.
o    Homework: study notes for quiz Friday.
·         Day 37-10/01/2014
o    Periods: 4-5
o    State Course of study objective:  1.) Differentiate among pure substances, mixtures, elements, and compounds.  •  Distinguishing between intensive and extensive properties of matter •  Contrasting properties of metals, nonmetals, and metalloids •  Distinguishing between homogeneous and heterogeneous forms of matter
o    Class Starter: Go to lab.
o    In-Class: Seperation of mixtures lab and chromatography lab.
o    Homework: study notes for quiz Friday.
Day 38-10/02/2014
o    Periods: 4-5
o    State Course of study objective: 1.) Differentiate among pure substances, mixtures, elements, and compounds.  •  Distinguishing between intensive and extensive properties of matter •  Contrasting properties of metals, nonmetals, and metalloids •  Distinguishing between homogeneous and heterogeneous forms of matter.
o    Class Starter/ In-class: no starter. Taylor Jinright is substituting for me.  I will be in Tuscaloosa with Robotic’s class for engineering day.  She will be showing a mythbusters video based on some of the separation techniques we used in lab.
o    Homework: study notes for quiz on Friday.
Day 39-10/03/2014
o    Periods: 4-5
o    State Course of study objective: 1.) Differentiate among pure substances, mixtures, elements, and compounds.  •  Distinguishing between intensive and extensive properties of matter •  Contrasting properties of metals, nonmetals, and metalloids •  Distinguishing between homogeneous and heterogeneous forms of matter.
o    Class Starter: study for quiz.
o    In-Class: Quiz on Ch. 3 Section 3 and 4
o    Homework: none (Study for Periodic Table test 1-36 regular, 1-54- quiz Oct. 6)

Thursday, September 25, 2014